
"Seattle stands out as thriving center for Old Time Music on the West Coast. Many fine musicians, dancers, & folklorists live in the Emerald City, and our community welcomes you to come join us for a tune!!

Old Time Music is often associated with the music of the Appalachian Mountain Region, recordings of which became popularized by early radio in the 1920's. However, lesser-known regional music styles, influenced by the vast diversity of immigrants and their contact with native peoples, developed across our vast country. Here in the Pacific Northwest, it's documented that celebrations including fiddle music and traditional contra dancing happened near Seattle as early as 1862!

Though this music is old as the hills, it's vibrant energy and rhythmic drive inspires musicians, dancers, & listeners of all ages and walks of life. Many will share my sentiment that this music is best enjoyed via participation, and old time musicians love to share, so come kick up your heels at a square dance, or bring your instrument out to a jam session!"

- Charmaine Slaven

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